The smart way to enjoy dobin mushi |Appreciating the broth from a cup before trying the matsutake is the authentic method!

How to eat Dobin mushi | Appreciating the broth from a cup before trying the matsutake is the authentic method!

Dobin mushi is a steamed dish served in a traditional Japanese earthenware pot called dobin. This classic autumn dish features seasonal ingredients such as matsutake mushroom and hamo (pike conger). This is not a common household dish, and you may be uncertain how to enjoy dobin mushi if it is served at a special occasion. With this in mind, we’ve asked the experts at Kioi Nadaman, a restaurant in the Hotel New Otani Tokyo, for advice on how to correctly enjoy this sophisticated dish.

【Advised by】Kioi Nadaman(紀尾井 なだ万)

Pour the dashi (broth) into your choko (small cup)

Pour the dashi (broth) into your choko (small cup)

When your dobin mushi is served, resist the urge to open the lid and go straight for the star ingredient – matsutake mushroom. The correct first step is to use the spout of the dobin to pour some of the dashi (broth) into your choko (small cup).

Pour the dashi (broth) into your choko (small cup)

Hold the choko near your nose, and appreciate the profound, mellow fragrance of matsutake. After enjoying the fragrance, move the cup to your lips and taste the broth. Be mindful to enjoy the broth quietly and without slurping.

Open the lid

Open the lidOpen the lid

After enjoying two or three cupfuls of the broth, it’s finally time to remove the lid from the dobin, and again enjoy the full fragrance. The rising steam should gently convey the rich matsutake fragrance.

Open the lid

As you open the dobin, don’t forget to enjoy the beautiful arrangement of ingredients with your eyes. Gently lay the lid to the side, being mindful to avoid damaging it.

Add a squeeze of sudachi

Add a squeeze of sudachi

After enjoying the original flavor of the dashi, add a squeeze of sudachi (a small, sour citrus that is a classic accompaniment to matsutake) to the contents of the dobin. It’s proper etiquette to cover the sudachi with your other hand as you squeeze, much like when squeezing a lemon.

Savor the ingredients

Savor the ingredients

The last step is to savor the ingredients. Start with the signature matsutake mushroom, then enjoy from the more lightly-flavored ingredients, such as hamo (pike conger).

Savor the ingredients

If any of the ingredients might drip broth, it’s perfectly acceptable to use your choko as a dish. Don’t forget to pour any remaining broth into your choko and savor it to the very last drop.

Savor the ingredients

After enjoying every last morsel and finishing the broth, replace the lid of the dobin to its original position.

What do you think of the smart way to enjoy dobin mushi? This dish allows you to savor the aroma, flavor, and texture of matsutake – the king of autumnal flavor – to your heart’s content.

* The published information is current as of August 2022. Prices and other details are subject to change.

【Advised by】Kioi Nadaman(紀尾井 なだ万)

Established in 1830, this traditional Japanese restaurant adheres to the philosophy of “time-honored restaurants should always innovate”. Nadaman now offers a variety of items to enjoy at home, from individual deli dishes to bento boxes. Delivery and online orders are also available.

text: MUTO Miki

photo: ISHIGAKI Seiji



Home How To Eat How to eat Dobin mushi | Appreciating the broth from a cup before trying the matsutake is the authentic method!